News: A swimming pool per 39 inhabitants in Spain

News: A swimming pool per 39 inhabitants in Spain
28 May 2019

There are more than 1.2 million swimming pools in Spain, which means that there is a swimming pool for every 39 inhabitants.

Approximately 100,000 of these pools are public pools while the remainder is private property, according to a study by the Salón Piscina & Wellness Barcelona and the Asociación Española de Profesionales del Sector Piscinas (ASOFAP).

Spain is the fourth country in the world and the second country in Europe in terms of the number of private swimming pools of which 1,018,000 can now be found. If the public swimming pools are added to that number, the total number of swimming pools is almost 1.2 million.

The majority of the swimming pools are located in urbanisations or residential complexes, hotels and sports facilities. The rest of the swimming pools can be found in rural homes, water parks, campsites and hydrotherapy centers.

The autonomous states of Andalusia, Catalonia and the Comunidad Valenciana are the regions in Spain where the most swimming pools can be found.

The average capacity of a private swimming pool is 40 cubic meters, while that of public swimming pools is an average of 200 cubic meters.

88.7% of the swimming pools are filled with ordinary tap water (so drinking water and the rest with water from a source), while only 1.1% of the swimming pools consist of salt or sea water.

