February starts with spring-like weather throughout Spain

February starts with spring-like weather throughout Spain
31 Jan 2020

A warm African air flow will cause the temperatures to rise from this Friday, making it practically warm and pleasant spring weather throughout Spain. February will therefore start warm, with mercury rising to 23 degrees in some places on Saturday and more than 25 degrees on Sunday. In some places in Spain, however, it is already spring with high temperatures on Thursday and Friday. This is also called 'veranillo de invierno' in Spain.

While on Thursday in the Canary Islands there are temperatures of 29 degrees such as in La Aldea de San Nicolás on Gran Canaria, 28 degrees in Arucas or 28 degrees on Tenerife, according to the Spanish weather service Aemet it was also warm on the Spanish mainland on Thursday. The mercury rose to 22 degrees in Tortosa and 21.6 degrees in Tarragona in the Catalonia region, while in Ibiza it became 22.1 degrees and on Mallorca 21.8 degrees.

High temperatures were already measured in the Valencia region of 23.9 degrees in Elche (Alicante), 23.5 degrees in Pego (Alicante), 23.4 degrees in Sagunto (Valencia) and 23.3 degrees in Alicante city. In the Murcia region the mercury rose to 22.6 degrees on Thursday and also in Andalusia by 25.5 degrees in Vélez-Málaga, 25.3 degrees in Rincón de la Victoria, 23.6 degrees in Torremolinos and 23.2 degrees in the port of Málaga.

However, it is not only nice and warm weather along the Mediterranean coast, in the Balearic Islands and of course in the Canary Islands, but it is also getting warmer than normal for the time of year along the Atlantic Ocean in the northwest and north of the country as in the regions of Galicia, Asturias, Galicia and the Basque Country. For these regions, the Aemet predicts unusually high temperatures of 18 to 22 degrees.

acknowledgment: Spanjevandaag.com

