update COVID-19/ coronavirus from Nelemans!

The developments concerning the corona virus have been dominated the news the past few days. Just like the Nelemans team, you probably know all ins and outs by now. For the Nelemans team, health and safety of our customers, partners and employees are priority number one. Therefore, some new measures are taken:
- The sales office will remain closed until further notice;
- Flights and appointments in Spain will be canceled in April. Our aim is to reschedule these to May, but this is depending on the rules and measures the Spanish government will take in the upcoming weeks;
- Your Nelemans representative will stay in touch with you and is, just like the past few weeks, online available (via e-mail and whatsapp) for any question you may have. You can also reach them by phone.
The employees of our organization have been through multiple crisis situations. Nelemans got through those situations and became stronger every time, thanks to you and the trust you have in us.
There will probably be economical consequences as a result of this crisis the world is facing, even after the situation is under control. We ensure you that Nelemans is a financial healthy organization and has the capacity and energy to face every possible challenge, together with the team.
In history of all times, real estate has proven itself to be a stable and trustworthy investment; a safe haven for your savings and investments. This will not change in these challenging times.
We hope this governance will give you trust, now and in the future, so that you can visit us in Spain as soon as the world has conquered this situation and our daily life will be 'normal' again.
Nelemans would like to thank you for your patience. We are prepared for this challenge and work hard every day to continue putting safety first.
See you soon!
Nelemans Real Estate