Spain's favorite emigration country for Dutch people!

Span According to various media in the Netherlands and Belgium, hundreds of Dutch and Belgians go to other countries every day to build a new life there. For the Dutch it appears that in 2018 (latest data) Spain was the big favorite to emigrate while Spain was in fourth place among the popular Belgians in that same year.
For 2019 that data will not be much different and as can be read in the magazine Departure NL Spain was in the first place as favorite emigration country for the Dutch, followed by Italy, France, Austria and Portugal. In 2018, according to official figures, 2,868 Dutch people emigrated to Spain and that was 1,609 emigrants for France, 812 for Portugal and 507 for Italy.
Many Dutch people (and probably Belgians too) choose to stay within Europe because of maintaining contact with friends and family in their own country, and this plays an important role in particular for the elderly. In addition, the popular emigration countries are also the popular holiday countries, as a result of which the new inhabitants are familiar with the culture and customs in their new home country.
It also appears that in addition to emigrants from the Netherlands and Belgium who have left for Spain to retire or enjoy old age under the sun, many emigrants also start businesses in Spain or start working there as self-employed persons. The cheaper life in Spain also attracts many emigrants to leave for the southern European country.