News: Anglicization of the Spanish language: ok or not ok?

Just as in other countries such as the Netherlands and Belgium, one also has to deal with an angulation in Spain.
This means that more and more English words are being used in Spanish. That can happen because a Spanish word does not exist for something that does exist in English or because it is just hip and modern.
In the Netherlands and Belgium people have more to do with angulation because they have never watched dubbed television. In Spain, virtually all films and series are dubbed, which may not be beneficial to the knowledge of, among other things, the English language, but which has also prevented English from being used for a long time.
Pure Castilian, another name for Spanish, is increasingly competing with English. That is, more and more English words are being used for something that also has Spanish words. Despite the fact that speaking English is still very low in Spain, most Spaniards do understand words that are seen on the internet or heard on television or in films.
There are many words that have already been translated into the Spanish language. Consider, for example, terms in the sports world such as Hattrick, Crack, Ace, Running, Footing or in the home business with Alto Standing or Penthouse. Other words are Parking, Zapping, Tuning, Office, Friki or what about Gin-Tonic (which would be ginebra y tónica in Spanish).
This term is a combination of SPAnish and EnGLISH and therefore already indicates what the word Spanglish means. Combining words from multiple languages in a certain language is nothing new and has been happening for years. But this process is becoming faster due to the internet.
When the former Mayor of Madrid, Ana Botella, introduced the fantastic phrase "relaxing cups or cafe con leche in the Plaza Mayor" during the presentation of her city for the Olympic Games, it became clear once again that Spanglish does exist.
Some other examples of English words used in Spanish with in brackets how to pronounce it in Spanish and an example sentence.
50:50 (fifty-fifty)
“¡Qué estrés! ¡No puedo con tanto trabajo! "And" No te preocupes. Lo hacemos 50:50. "
Crazy (crray-Z)
“Ha sido una semana muy crazy, tía. Too lo juro. The fiesta todas las noches. "
Fake (fay-k)
Muy fake, Fake news and Ropa fake as examples. "Ese video / noticia es un fake."
"Soy muy fan de Juego de Tronos."
Feeling (feel-ing)
“No sé yo, ¿eh? Es que tengo… ..el feeling the que va a salir todo bien. "
Game over (gaym-ohver)
“Buuuaa has fish master of the Pablo Casado? It's a game-over, tio. "
Heavy (hehv-ee)
“Qué pizza is heavy. No creo que pueda comérmela. "
Oh my God (oh-mai-got)
Also in OMG WhatsApp written language. “Noooo. Oh my god. "Too dijo eso?"
Show / performance (per-fohrm-ahnce) / (sh-ohw)
“Oye! "Te ha gustado la performance?" / "Ha sido todo un show!"
Vintage (vin-tahj)
“Qué tienda tan vintage. Me encanta, tia. "