News: Diesel more expensive than petrol in 13 EU countries but not (yet) in Spain

According to information from the Weekly Oil Bulletin of the European Union, there are currently 13 of the 28 EU Member States where the diesel is more expensive than petrol.
Belgium is the country where the diesel is the most expensive compared to petrol with an average difference of 14.7 cents.
While there are 13 countries on the list that is supplied by Belgium where the diesel (gasoil) is more expensive than petrol (gasolina), this is not yet the case in Spain. In Spain the diesel is still on average 5.3 cents cheaper than petrol.
Besides Belgium with a diesel price that is 14.7 cents more expensive than petrol, the following countries are on the list of 13: Hungary with 13.3 cents, Sweden with 11.9 cents, Great Britain with 9.3 cents, Romania with 9 , 2 cents and Cyprus with 8.1 cents.
Other EU countries where diesel is more expensive than petrol are Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Poland and Slovenia, while in Estonia, petrol and diesel have the same price.
Looking at the average of the 28 EU member states, petrol is still 4.5 cents more expensive than diesel. Within the euro countries, however, that difference is greater with 9.2 cents.
The biggest difference between petrol and diesel prices can be found in the Netherlands, where there is on average a difference of 20.7 cents. In Greece diesel is 15.1 cents cheaper, in Malta 13 cents, Portugal 12.8 cents, Denmark 11.9 cents, Germany 11.1 cents and Ireland 10 cents.