News: Why wintering in Spain is a good idea

More and more Dutch, English and Belgians choose to opt for a long-term stay abroad during the cold, wet and gray winter months.
Spain is a choice for many Dutch and Belgians because temperatures are generally better and life is often (but not always) cheaper. But why is winter in Spain a good and healthy idea?
You know it, rain, wind, snow, icy cold and a cloudy dark sky is not strange during the winter months in the Netherlands and Belgium. To prevent that bad, sad and sad weather, many people choose to travel to the south of Europe during the winter months to enjoy different temperatures and a more relaxed life.
The winter was formerly something of the over-65s who have all the time in the world, but nowadays there are also more and more over-50s (and younger) who move to Spain during the winter. After all, it is easy for many to work remotely, if there is only one internet connection. The pleasant Mediterranean climate and generally better weather conditions are ideal to forget the cold and wet winter in our own country and also to work on a terrace in the sun in December.
Winter depression
Many Dutch people and Belgians (of all ages) suffer from the so-called winter depression when it gets darker, wetter and colder outside. Since the body naturally needs daylight it is more pleasant to be outside with a nice temperature. That is why many people choose to stay in Spain during the winter months, so to avoid the winter depression.
Illnesses such as osteoarthritis and rheumatism are not remedied by the pleasant winter weather in Spain, but a warmer climate can considerably relieve the pain of the patients. Asthmatic patients also often enjoy a warmer climate as air quality does not deteriorate due to heating. Warmer weather also ensures that there is a more active lifestyle as a bit of walking or cycling is more fun when the sun is shining.
The month of December is a stressful month for many people with a busy and overcrowded agenda and of course the Christmas and New Year's stress. By pulling to Spain you avoid that stress and you experience a different month of December. By hibernating in a quiet and relaxed place in Spain you avoid the December stress and you can finally enjoy the holidays yourself. The holidays can also often bring unpleasant memories that can possibly be avoided by staying in a different and warmer environment.
Living in a warmer environment can be cheaper because the heating costs in your own country are avoided. In recent years it has also become cold in many places in the evening and electric heaters are working overtime. Since electricity is not cheap in Spain, it can also become pricey.
In general, it is said that life is cheaper in Spain. You will notice this in the supermarket, in a restaurant, on a terrace and also in terms of renting an apartment or house that is often cheaper in the winter months.