News: Strike cabin crew Ryanair in five countries including Spain on 28 September

The trade unions of Ryanair's cabin crew in five European countries including Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands have announced they will strike on Friday, September 28th.
The Spanish syndicates of the cabin crew USO and Sitcpla think that more European countries will join what is already the biggest strike ever with Ryanair.
2018 is the year of the strikes at Ryanair where last Wednesday was stopped by the pilots and cabin crew of Ryanair in Germany and the next strike has already been announced.
This must take place on Friday, September 28th, where cabin crew in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands will resign for 24 hours and probably hundreds of flights will be canceled again and thousands of passengers will suffer again.
Last week Friday the trade unions USO and Sitcpla from Spain, Snpvac from Portugal, CNE-CSC and LBC-NVK from Belgium, FNV from the Netherlands, UIL FILT-CGIL from Italy and Verdi from Germany came together in Rome to decide what they are going to do to the negative and negative attitude of Ryanair with regard to working conditions and contracts. It was the first time that both syndicates of the pilots and of the cabin crew from the different countries were together.
The German trade union Verdi announced at the beginning of this week only 24 hours in advance a strike that took place on Wednesday, September 12, while the other trade unions wanted to organize a strike day together to lay down Ryanair for 24 hours and put more pressure on the Irish low cost airline.
Ryanair itself does not want to speak of an upcoming aviation chaos at the airline and expects that, just as with previous strikes, the majority of cabin crew will simply carry out the work.
Perhaps flights will have to be canceled, but as always with a strike, minimal service is required, something that judges in the various countries have to determine.
The website of Ryanair does not mention the upcoming strike on 28 September.
2018 will enter the Ryanair history books as the year of the strikes. Last 25 and 26 July, cabin crew stopped in Spain, Belgium, Portugal and Italy, canceling hundreds of flights and causing thousands of passengers to be duped.
On 10 August there was also a pilot strike at Ryanair, causing thousands of passengers to be duped in, among others, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Sweden and Ireland.