News: Electricity this year in Spain has not been as expensive as in August

The electricity bill for many households and companies in Spain will be higher after the month of August than that of the previous year.
For an average user in Spain, the bill will come to 80.73 euros, compared to 71.82 euros in August 2017, an increase of almost 9 euros or 12.4%.
According to the Spanish Consumers Association FACUA, this year ended with the fourth highest current account ever. In August this year, the electricity bill for an average user rose to 80.73 euros, which is 2.34 euros more than the bill in July this year, which according to the FACUA was 78.39 euros.
The FACUA sees an average user (usuario mid) as someone who has a consumption of 366 kWh per month and has a 4,400 kW contracted capacity.
In June this year the current account was 76.71 euros (+ 1.8%), in May 75.34 euros (+ 7.7%), in April 69.94 euros (+ 0.7%), in March 69.46 euros (-9%), 76.32 euros in February (+ 2%) and 74.81 euros in January this year (-6.1%).
The price per kWh was 16.81 euro cents in August, a 3.9% more than the 16.18 euro cents in July this year. Compared to August 2017, the price per kWh increased by 19.9% (from 14.4 to 16.81 euro cents).
Building invoice
The electricity bill is built up in Spain as follows:
Potencia eléctrica or electrical power which is the amount of electricity that the customer can use at the same time. This is measured in kilowatts (kW)
Consumo eléctrico or the electricity consumption during the billing period that is measured in kilowatt hours (kWh).
Alquiler del contador or the rent of the electricity meter (digital or analogue).
Impuesto sobre la Electricidad or the tax on electricity. This is applied and regulated by the Ministry of Industry. At the moment this is 5.0113% of the sum of the energy period and consumption.
Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido (IVA) or the Value Added Tax (VAT) which is currently 21%.