News: Puigdemont says that his decisions are based on "peace, firmness and democracy", less than 24 hours from the deadline given by Rajoy

The President of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, has held his last public event before Monday's answer to the President of the Government, Mariano Rajoy, whether or not on Tuesday, October 10, declared the independence of Catalonia.
Everyone was watching his words on the Sunday morning, during the traditional offering before the tomb of the president of the Republican Generalitat, Lluís Companys, shot by the pro-Franco dictatorship 77 years ago.
In his speech, Carles Puigdemont has confirmed his commitment to values that he wants to maintain: "To reiterate our commitment to peace, civility, serenity, and also firmness and democracy, as inspirers of the decisions we have to make."
He made this statement in his name and that of his government, bearing in mind that it says "at a time like this, in a place like this, on a day like this." Next to him were the vice president, Oriol Junqueras (ERC) and other members of his Government.
Puigdemont - who has made a wreath at the tomb after being received by some people to the cry of 'President' - has defended to respond with civic and democratic values the critics "in these difficult and at the same time hopeful lives that Catalunya lives."
For that reason he has lamented especially the accusation of political indoctrination in the Catalan schools: "Against the indignity of some politicians who slander our school, the dignity of our professors".
"Against violence, civility, against threats and fear, hope, against provocateurs, serenity, against insults, respect," he proclaimed.
Give value to votes and not just money
He has also asked to give value to the votes and not only to the money, in double allusion to the referendum and to the economic consequences of the soberanista process.
And he added: "Against those who put the economy at the service of political interests, the determination of our SMEs and our workers to build a country of free competition."
Puigdemont has made a parallel between the dignity and courage he sees in Companys and the need to maintain these two values in Catalonia, "people who will always seek and at all times the freedom of all its citizens."
It has also called for it as "a compromise of peace against violence, aggression and imposition".
He found that they shot Companys for being president of the Generalitat, and that he was the victim of "a very unequal fight between the legitimacy and the democratic dignity and the illegitimacy and baseness of fascism protected in the force of the State."
In addition, he regretted that the State did not apologize for the death of its predecessor 77 years later, "when it is assumed that the order and legality that allowed that execution have already changed."
"On the contrary: the party that governs Spain continues to banalize that crime while choosing as demonstration partners those who raise the fascist arm with total impunity."
For its part, the President of the Parlament, Carme Forcadell, has also pointed out that the State "has not yet apologized for the murder of the former president of the Generalitat Lluis Companys" and that, in his opinion, Catalan society "can not wants to forget history ".
"This October 15 is celebrated with more dignity because justice has been done, because the Parliament of Catalonia approved last June the law of reparation of victims of Franco," said Forcadell.
He added that this law "annulled all war councils of this era and historically repaired more than 65,000 people who submitted to these injustices."
"Civil society, the parliamentarian's deputies, lived up to the circumstances and repaired this injustice, because a country can only be fair if it does justice to its victims," said Forcadell, who believes that "much work remains to be done "but that this law" was a step of enormous dignity from which we can all feel proud. "
"Because we have historical memory, we can not and do not want to forget the history of Catalonia, which over many years has encountered many decisive moments, with many difficulties, crossroads, uncertainties, and has always overcome them thanks to its citizens, the will of its people, as I am sure we will continue to do, "Forcadell concluded.